Confronting and
Overcoming the
Barriers That Are
Blocking Us from
Achieving Our
God Given Potential.
Overcoming the
Barriers That Are
Blocking Us from
Achieving Our
God Given Potential.
Sandy Gross: Author, Speaker, and Faith Coach
Sandy has been making a difference in the Christian Community for over 35 years. Her love for others and her enthusiasm for The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been the driving force behind Sandy's life and ministry. She is bold, dynamic, innovative and ready to serve your women's ministry, church, or organization. Click here to contact Sandy & Renewing Me Ministries.
Renewing Me Ministries is dedicated to the proposition that every Christian, everywhere deserves the chance to fully understand their true identity in Christ and to walk in the fullness of their God Given Potential. But we also recognize that the work of transformation (that is personal sanctification) is an ongoing process in the life of every believer. To that end, we have developed the You Are Potential Bible Study (YAP) designed to help people overcome the barriers that are blocking them from becoming who God created them to be, all while building authentic and meaningful relationships in Christ.
You Are Potential Bible Study
YAP is an in-depth Bible study designed to help Christians grow in their faith, build authentic community, heal from past wounds, identify and tap into their God Given Potential! Forward by Pastor Bob Russell. |
Faith Talk Forum (podcast) is a 15 minute deep dive into where the challenges of our daily lives collide with the power of God's Divine Word, with one purpose in mind, to help us get out of our heads and back into God's Word. Want to check it out? Click on this link to watch now... Faith Talk Forum.